Dr. Volom Dental has made a tremendous journey from the one-person dental clinic in Budapest to the present four-storey high-tech clinic. Our dentistry has a decade-long history: it opened on 1 February 1990 as a private praxis in Budapest.
The circumstances have changed, but the content has remained the same: outstanding professionalism, maximum attention to the needs of our patients, human and professional integrity. The founder and owner of the clinic is Doctor Volom, a renowned international speaker, who invented and introduced several special dental procedures. Certain therapies are only available in our clinic in the country.
The name is obligatory - we have built a team of dentists with outstanding professionalism, and each member is delighted with the philosophy of Volom Doctor.
Every corner of our clinic radiates calm and restrained elegance. We have arranged to make you feel as comfortable as possible. The attentive and caring staff, the comfortable leather armchair and the quiet music are sure to make you relax and cheer you up.
Our dental clinic's above-average equipment, on one hand, serves the most accurate work, and on the other hand, increases the comfort of our patients. That's why we use a laser carnage finder, microscope, digital x-ray and computer-controlled painless anesthetic device.
Fogorvos, orális diagnosztika specialista
Dinamikus, nyitott személyisége és szaktudása a garancia arra, hogy minden páciense örömmel ül be a fogorvosi székbe és elégedetten távozik rendelőnkből. Az orális diagnosztika, a szájüregi nyálkahártya-elváltozások valamint az esztétikai fogászat specialistája a rendelőnkben.
Esztétikai fogorvos
Dr. Volom András a rendelő tulajdonosa és egyben szakmai vezetője. Nemcsak az egyik legismertebb esztétikai fogorvos az országban, fogszorítás terápiás specialista, implantológus, hanem itthon és nemzetközileg is elismert előadó, számos fogászati témájú cikk szerzője ill. több könyv társszerzője.
Chief esthetic dentist
Esthetic dentist and endodontist
Dentist, specialist of oral diagnostics
Dentist, specialist of oral diagnostics
Dr. András Volom is the owner and professional leader of the clinic. Not only is one of the most well-known aesthetic dentists in the country, a bruxism therapist, an implantologist, but also a well-known speaker internationally, and author of many dental articles, co-author of several books.
Doctor Ágh is an exceptionally nice and empathic doctor. Her qualification is far above average. Not only is she familiar with modern root canal procedures, she is able to design and execute dentures in such a way that they are not only beautiful but also comfortable and wearable. This qualifies her to be one of our Dental Excellence Specialists.
For Doctor Halla dentistry is a vocation that she sees as a very complex and varied challenge. She solves the complaints of those who turn to her individually, with aesthetic, and functional solutions. She also considers it very important to create a friendly and relaxed atmosphere. For her, the greatest joy is when a first-time anxious patient smiles and leaves happily.
Her dynamic, open personality and expertise is the guarantee that every patient will be happy to sit in the dental chair and leave with satisfaction from our surgery. Specialist of Oral Diagnostics, Oral Mucosal Disorders and Aesthetic Dentistry.
Orthodontics and pediatric dentistry specialist
Dr. Szakállosy has been working with the team for two decades. She is a highly experienced orthodontist. Her main area is orthodontic treatment for children, but she also performs orthodontic treatment of adults.
For Dr. Péter Farkas, dentistry is a special helping profession where it is the physician's task to improve the quality of life of his patients by aesthetically restoring the structure and function. He also considers this triple unity as his own goal - naturally striving for the utmost painlessness and fastest healing.
Fogszabályozó és gyermekfogászati specialista
A kezelések megtervezésénél az esztétika mellett kiemelt figyelmet fordít a harapás megfelelő beállítására, valamint a nem megfeleő funkciók kezelésére. Számára a fogszabályozás nem csak munka hanem szenvedély is, kezelés végén szereti látni a pácienseim elégedett, magabiztos mosolyát.
Pediatric dentist
Dr. Tóth's patience and kindness are unique. Even the smallest, most fearful patients will soon feel safe in her chair: the treatments will take place in a relaxed, playful, cheerful mood, exactly the way children need it. Dr. Tóth takes the time to explain the treatments and reassure the little ones: that is why they love to go to her so much.
Invisalign specialist
Dr. Felkai is an exceptional individual who has a general medical degree too in addition to the dental one. He has been dealing with Invisalign invisible orthodontics since 2002, performing hundreds of treatments a year at Hungary and in Austria. He is also an Invisalign mentor and international speaker: multiple Invisalign Platinum Doctor and, since 2002, a certified Invisalign Provider.
Miklós considers it important to have an open, honest, simple, understandable communication with the patient. This way it is possible to shed light on fears, ideas, expectations and different conditions. Setting a goal and primary tasks together helps not to lose sight of it even when the patient feels that he/she has reached the limit of their performance.
Clinical linguist, myofunctional consultant
At Mariann's office, there is no crying child: she has the patience and kindness that makes every child feel safe. Successful treatment requires cooperation, which is only possible in a pleasant, relaxed atmosphere. Her mission is to spread the myofunctional early "gentle" orthodontic treatment that has been successful abroad for decades, and that treats the causes of the irregularity and thus provides long-term stability.
Speech therapist, instructor
She graduated from Gusztáv Bárczi Pedagogical Teacher Training College with excellent results. She has several years of professional experience at the Department of Audiology and Neurology at Le Molinette Clinic in Turin. In addition to general speech therapies (flea, dyslexia, dysphagia, dyscalculia, stuttering, dysphonia, etc.), her special field of interest is the complex therapy of swallowing dysfunctions.
Oral hygienist
The heart and soul of our clinic is outstanding in terms of professional knowledge. Our patients are always telling us that no one has ever did such precise work in their mouth before. She keeps her patients' oral hygiene very well, constantly instructs and controls them, which is a great help for our dentists, as they can do a good job in a clean mouth, with a non-inflammatory gum and this is the key to long-term success.
Pamela had previously been responsible for ensuring the hygiene of the clinic and the devices. However, as a talented, clever young lady, we supported her further education, and as a result she completed the assistant school with excellent results.
Móni is one of our most diligent employees. His professional humility, quiet attention and care for his colleagues are exemplary for all of us. If someone entrusts her with a task, you can be sure that it will be done with outstanding quality and thoroughness.
Her smile, comfort and kindness are highly appreciated by our patients and doctors. A very talented young colleague, her conscience and attention is exemplary.
Leading patient coordinator
Patient coordinator
Praxis manager
Chief technician
She is responsible for the internal operation of the clinic. She not only impresses with her kind smile but also with her education and scientific work. Doctor Hegedűs learnt in Semmelweis University in the field of Health Management amd Denstistry, and has been the author of many scientific articles, currently dealing with stem cell research including their dental application.
She is the pillar of the clinic! She is the one who brings together and organizes the professional and economic processes of the clinic. She has a couple of nice words for everybody, whether it's a patient, an assistant or a doctor.
Timi has always loved to deal with people, embracing empathy and kindness. She devotes great attention to solving the problems of the patients, and creating the right and friendly environment.
He is one of our most important personalities. His name is accompanied by a continuous inspection of the technical implementation of the clinic. His stunning technical knowledge enables smooth and continuous work even in a technically complicated place like our dental clinic with high-tech equipment.
Operatív igazgató
A rendelő motorja: mivel fogorvosi és gazdasági végzettséggel is rendelkezik, a legnagyobb szakmai kompetenciával koordinálja a rendelőt. Türelme és nyugodt személyisége biztos pont számunkra a mindennapokban!
It has been almost ten years since I chose Dr. Volom Dentistry and I have never been disappointed. All staff at the clinic - doctors and assistants alike - are no exception to the high standard, do their job precisely and are very kindly. I have already recommended to my family members and acquaintances this very well equipped clinic. Thank you for your conscientious work!
I had problems with my existing replacement. In Dr. Volom Dental they discovered the cause what was the imperfect bite. After the correction I felt like I was getting a completely new denture. It was much better to eat and sleep, because my night's bruxism was also greatly reduced. Edge replacement remained in place and I didn't feel any problems during the past year.
Etelka Albrecht
Antal Lancendorfer
The unpleasant symptoms of gingivitis first appeared during my pregnancy. Fortunately, thanks to the well-chosen and precisely planned treatments, we managed to prevent serious problems. With the right attention and expertise, you don't have to realize the old saying that one child takes one tooth!
“Dear Volom Doctor! It has been 10 years since - I can say it without exaggeration - youchanged my life. "
The story of a direct veneer that not only made teeth more beautiful ...
A mother
Julia Kávai
Egy szóban a Volom Dentalról
Opening hours
Monday-Friday 9.00-20.00
We are closed on weekends.
+36 1 214 3551 / +36 30 530 2606