Chief aesthetic dentist
Dr. András Volom is the owner and professional leader of the clinic. He not only is one of the most well-known aesthetic dentists in the country, a bruxism therapist, and implantologist, but also a well-known lecturer at the country and internationally, and author of many dental articles, co-author of several books.
In addition, Dr. Volom is the first applier of some special dental procedures in Hungary. Examples of these include fiber reinforcement tooth strengthening, a miniature migraine therapy bite lift, myofunctional trainers and myobrace orthodontics for healthy face and tooth development, and Silensor anti-snoring device. Hundreds of hungarian dentists annually study on his courses.
Dr. András Volom is a member of many dental organizations, a founding member of the Hungarian Aesthetic Dental Academy and a member of the Hungarian Society of Periodontics. He is head of his Dental Education Center, and he is partner of the American Center for Dental Excellence.

He graduated from the Faculty of Dentistry at the Semmelweis Medical University in Budapest in 1984. From the beginning of his career he was seriously interested in aesthetic filling materials and application techniques.
He has been practicing private medical practice since 1985.
In 1987, he held his first scientific lecture on microscopic examination of scanning electron for wear of fillinf materials.
In 1990, after the regime change, Dr. Volom will be the first full-time private dentist.
In 1992 he opens his own private office, which is gradually expanding and
In 2017, he opens a clinic with 4 dental chairs, a myofunctional and an oral hygienist training room.
2005 Ivoclar Dental Progress – Best structured lecture in the session - Topic: impressions
2006 Ivoclar Dental Progress – Best lecture in the session - Topic: Tooth prepration according to the visual perception
He has conducted numerous lectures and practical courses at home and abroad (Austria, Czech Republic, Croatia, Liechtenstein, Mexico, Germany, Romania, Slovenia). His main topics include direct veneerss, preparation techniques, prevention, and bruxism.
Hundreds of dentists take part in their domestic courses each year. Up-to-date training list on the homepage of the Dr Volom Dental & Medical Ltd. Training Center and Showroom.
He regularly lectures at the Faculty of Dentistry of the University of Szeged and the Faculty of Dentistry at the University of Pécs.
Host of Dental World International Conference Aesthetic Congress
Founding member of Myofunctional Interdisciplinary Therapy Society
Member of American Academy of Aesthetic Dentistry
Founding member of the Hungarian Aesthetic Dental Academy
Member of the Hungarian Society of Periodontology
Member of the Association of Hungarian Dentists
Member of the Hungarian Medical Chamber
Member of the Hungarian Endodontic Society
Founding member of the Hungarian Restorative and Aesthetic Dental Society
Dr. Volom András: Merevítőszalagok a fogorvosi gyakorlatban. In Balogh et al.: Fémmentes fogpótlások. Budapest, Dental Press, 2005.
Dr. Volom András: Ribbond merevítőszalagok a fogorvosi gyakorlatban. In Dr. Schmidt et al.: Esztétika a fogászatban. Budapest, Dental Press, 2006.
Dr. Volom András., Dr. Dombi Csaba: A kompozitok típusai és anyagtani jellemzői. In Dr. Schmidt et al.: Esztétika a fogászatban. Budapest, Dental Press, 2006.
Dr. Volom András, Dr. Grosz János.: Galvánarany fogpótlások az esztétikai fogászati gyakorlatban. In Dr. Kádár et al.: Rögzített fogpótlások. Budapest, Dental Press, 2006.
Clever helpers in creating perfect aesthetics. Reflect, 2007. Liechtenstein-Schaan
A biztonságos implantálás és a parodontium. Implantology Hungary, 2008.
Ribbond szálerősítés a fogászati gyakorlatban. Esthetics Hungary, 2009.
A bruxizmus (fogszorítás) sikeres kezelése. Dental Tribune Hungary, 2011.
Fogászat a művészet világában, avagy hogyan készültek a Vámpírok bálja musical színpadi műfogsorai. Dental News Hungary, 2011.
Szín, forma és vizuális érzékelés a direkt restaurációk szemszögéből. Dental News Hungary.
Gondolatok az adhezív csapozásról. Dental News Hungary, 2012.
Horkolni veszélyes. Dental News Hungary, 2012.
A direkt restaurációk élethűsége és a kompozitok töltőanyag-összetételének összefüggései. Dental News Hungary, 2013.
USIG: cserélhető mélyhúzott frikciós teleszkóprendszer kivehető fémkerámia és fémmentes hidak készítésére. Dental News Hungary, 2013.
Hétfő-Péntek 9.00-20.00
Hétvégén zárva tartunk.
+36 1 214 3551 / +36 30 530 2606