Aesthetic dentist, endodontist
Doctor Ágh is an exceptionally nice doctor. Her qualification is far above average. Not only is she familiar with modern root canal procedures, she is able to design and produce dentures in such a way that they are not only beautiful but also comfortable and wearable. This qualifies her to be one of our Dental Excellence Specialists.
Her attention turned early to the retaining dentistry. She spent one year in Canada where she had the opportunity to further expand her knowledge. In her work, the recognition that personalized oral hygiene education has a profound effect on the success of dental work has been strengthened.
Dr. Orsolya Ágh is highly professional and knowledgeable doctor, according to our patients and our collegues also. She finished university with excellent results. Her practical work is thoughtful and responsible, to which foreign studies have added a lot.

Graduated from the Semmelweis University Dental Faculty in 2010.
During her university studies, she spent one year with scholarship at Albert-Ludwigs University in Freiburg, where she had the opportunity to look at german dental care and education
In 2012, she attended a one-year postgraduate endodontic training course in Canada, withGhassam Yared.
In 2016 she joined dr. Volom aesthetic dentistry team, both as endodontic and aesthetic specialist.
2014: Upgrade Dental Congress
2015: II. Prevention and Oral hygiene Congress
Association of Hungarian Dentists
Dental Section of the Hungarian Medical Chamber
Hungarian Society of Restorative and Aesthetic Dentistry (founding member)
Stress-free shoulder preparation - 2011, Győr, Hungary
Endodontics in Everyday Care - 2011, Budapest, Hungary
Modern preparation tools and applications - Düsseldorf, Germany
Modern Root Treatments - 2012, Budapest, Hungary
Fiber reinforcement in dental practice - 2013, Budapest, Hungary
Bruxism Therapy - 2014, Budapest, Hungary
Aesthetic Dental Congress Dental World - 2014, Budapest, Hungary
Aesthetic Dental Congress Dental World - 2015, Budapest, Hungary
Endodontic Congress Dental World - 2015, Budapest, Hungary
Artistic Direct Composite Restorations in the Anterior Region - Predictably, Easily - Lecture and Hands-on Course - 2015, Budapest
Farewell to Breaking Bodies - Practical Course on Para and Intrapulpary Pins - 2015, Budapest
Competence In Esthetics Congress - 2015, Vienna
Shoulder preparation based on periodontological principles, hands-on course - 2015, Budapest
Bruxism Diagnostics - 2015, Budapest
Direct Resin Artistry in the Posterior Dentition - 2016, Budapest
Vertiprep - The Vertical Preparation Technique - 2016, Budapest
Laminate Veneers - A Valuable Method for Each Dental Office - 2016, Budapest
Competence In Esthetics Congress - 2017, Vienna
Ivoclar Vivadent: The Latest Bonding Techniques - 2017, Liechtenstein
Ivoclar Vivadent: BPS, Biofunctional Prosthesis Hands-on Course - 2017, Liechtenstein
State of the Art: Class II Dental Restorations hands-on course - 2017, Budapest
Dental World Aesthetic Congress - 2017, Budapest
Dental World Aesthetic Congress - 2018, Budapest
Inlay, onlay, overlay and II. Class Cavity Preparation - 2018, Budapest
Hétfő-Péntek 9.00-20.00
Hétvégén zárva tartunk.
+36 1 214 3551 / +36 30 530 2606